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Welcome from Principal Clifford

Welcome to Greensburg Junior High School! We’re delighted you’re here and excited to share what makes our school a vibrant, nurturing environment for young learners in grades 6-8.

At Greensburg Junior High, we provide a well-rounded, dynamic education that goes beyond the basics. Students engage in a rich array of programs, from Art and Music—including band and choir—to Engineering and Technology, Health and Physical Education, and College and Career Exploration. 

Learn more

Matt Clifford


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Pirates Are


Students can persevere through
challenges, identify the root cause of
problems and craft potential solutions.

Primed Persistent


l Students can serve others, have a
positive attitude, and demonstrate
empathy, compassion, and respect for

Primed Respectful


Students are life-long learners, can
connect classroom lessons with
real-world experiences, and can listen,
ask questions, and make connections.

Primed Inquisitive


Students can be self-starters who
possess a strong work ethic and can
embrace risk and failure as opportunities
to learn and grow

Primed Motivated


Students possess future-ready skills
including digital tools, acknowledging
and understanding multiple ways of
reasoning, and can collaborate and
support classmates or team members.

Primed Employable


Students can be organized, responsible,
reliable, punctual, and self-regulated
while managing assigned tasks and
receiving feedback.

Primed Dependable

Our students are primed as they emerge from high school as multifaceted individuals who embody resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Throughout their years in high school, they have navigated a diverse array of academic and extracurricular challenges, developing critical thinking skills and the ability to collaborate with peers from varied backgrounds. At the core of our curriculum are six fundamental characteristics that we believe all GCHS graduates should exhibit: Persistent, Respectful, Inquisitive, Motivated, Employable, and Dependable. Here at Greensburg, we say all Pirates are PRIMED for success!

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