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Greetings to all fans and alumni of the Greensburg Jr. High School Pirates!

Welcome to our website!  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support of the many activities and athletic programs here at Greensburg Jr. High School.  Whether you are parents, teachers, alumni, or just Pirate supporters, we are proud of our students as they dedicate and commit themselves to their chosen athletic endeavors. 

We encourage participation in athletics because it provides our students with important lessons for life such as teamwork, self-discipline, courage, and fortitude.  By offering a wide variety of programs, our students can find a place where they can apply their personal skills and talents as our school continues its rich athletic tradition.  Here you will find information about all of our sports offered at Greensburg Jr. High School.  We currently offer 15 team sports for girls and boys.

Our community has high standards in regard to sportsmanship and conduct.  We expect our students and coaches to uphold these standards at all times.  I would ask that you, as a spectator, reinforce these standards when you interact with the opposing teams, coaches, and contest officials.  The athletic department is grateful to our parents and community members who provide unrelenting support, energy, and enthusiasm for our student-athletes and coaches.

We are very proud of our athletic tradition at Greensburg Jr. High School.  We hope you enjoy your visit to our website. Please know you can contact us in the athletic department office with any questions that might have about our proud athletic tradition at Greensburg Jr. High School.


Football (7/8)                                  Spring                                                                                                        

Cross Country (6-8)                        Baseball (7/8)

Volleyball (7/8)                                Softball (7/8)

Soccer (6-8)                                     Track (6-8)

Cheer (7/8)                                        Golf (6-8)

Esports (6-8)

Archery (6-8)



Basketball (B/G7/8)          Swimming (6-8)                 Dance (6-8)  

Wrestling (6-8)                  Cheer (7/8)